John F. Kennedy once said, As we express our gratitude, we must not forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” But what exactly does this mean? While it’s great to feel thankful for the wonderful things we have in our lives—blessings … [Read more...] about Mastering the Art of Gratitude
12 Effective Ways to Reduce Anxiety Quickly and Naturally
Anxiety. We all have it at one time or another. Some of us are just unlucky enough to suffer with it more often than others. Part of what makes this mental health condition so difficult to overcome is that it has many different causes. For instance, Medical News Today shares … [Read more...] about 12 Effective Ways to Reduce Anxiety Quickly and Naturally
7 Life Hacks That Can Help You Improve Your Health
Six out of every ten Americans has a chronic disease such as arthritis, cancer, or diabetes according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Worse yet, four out of ten struggles with two or more of these long-term conditions, increasing health care costs as a … [Read more...] about 7 Life Hacks That Can Help You Improve Your Health
Factors to Consider Before Becoming a Living Organ Donor
Though most people are aware that they can become an organ donor upon their death, what many fail to realize is that there are actually a few organs they can donate while still alive. The Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) shares that first is a kidney since … [Read more...] about Factors to Consider Before Becoming a Living Organ Donor
3 Morning Rituals that Almost Guarantee You’ll Have a Great Day
Can you imagine what life would be like if, every day when you woke up, you knew it was going to be a great day? Maybe not a day that changed your life in huge, amazing ways, but a day that came with more smiles than frowns, with more laughs than tears. For some, this feels … [Read more...] about 3 Morning Rituals that Almost Guarantee You’ll Have a Great Day