For small to medium businesses to keep up with larger corporations, you need to have your website design, advertising, and sales updated digitally to attract your target audience. Regardless of how unique your product might be, you need to be able to quickly inform prospective customers on what the product is and how it will benefit their lives.
To make good use of your advertising campaigns and increase your sales, you need to master several basic principles. Furthermore, you must understand how to use psychology to sell.
Choose Colors Based on Target Audience
Your target audience is the group of people who will most likely be your customers or clients. When designing a product or service, you should have done enough research to understand your target audience. If not, look at your competitor to see who they are advertising towards and do market research. Once you have your target market, know which colors evoke which emotions. See the list below to help you choose which colors work best for your brand and ads.
- Red: Evokes energy and stimulation, but also a warning sign
- Orange: Use for excitement or activity
- Yellow: Conveys happiness and joy
- Pink: Summons feelings of love and relief
- Green: Relieves stress and helps soothe
- Blue: Builds trust and associated with focus
- Purple: Indicates sophistication and darker tones denote wealth
For instance, if you’re running a holiday or weekend sale use red to evoke a sense of urgency from the buyer. And if your target audience is children and adolescents, use orange and yellow to evoke excitement and high energy.
Minimize Your Landing Pages
Your website should contain information about who you are, your experience, and most importantly, the product or service. The copy (actual text) on your website must be straight-forward and easy to read and digest. It’s recommended that you use two to three-sentence paragraphs. When it comes to landing pages you want to be even more minimal.
Landing pages are customized for a specific campaign, they should guide your audience to a single call to action (CTA). Think of landing pages as a way to persuade your buyer to your CTA. Now, not each landing pages’ CTA has to lead to a sale. Sometimes they can lead to an email or newsletter sign-up. Other times, the CTA can lead you to another landing page.
Regardless of what your CTA is, make sure you simplify your landing pages. The simpler information is, the more people will inherently like it. For instance, some consumers simply choose an unlimited cellular plan because of its simplicity. So, even more than your website, make sure your landing page only contains the necessary information. It should be barebones.
For more tips on how to use psychology to sell, see RentSpree’s visual below. Also, see our article on running startups or small businesses from those who have successfully done it.