At Maven, we’re typically known as small business book publishers. However, sometimes we are contacted by other types of professionals who aren’t business owners per se, but who whose projects fit our mission perfectly. That is the case with our newest author, Brian H. Rhen, People Development Pastor at Peninsula Covenant Church in Redwood City, California.
Rhen came to us with a book he had written nearly 15 years ago, in the aftermath of the death of his second daughter, Emma Grace. The book, A Short Walk with Emma, details Emma’s life and the powerful practical and spiritual lessons the Rhen family has learned both from Emma herself and from a long grieving process that shifted and changed over time—from the diagnosis of Emma’s congenital heart condition just days after her birth, through her passing away a few months after her second birthday, and through the years following her death.
At the time he wrote the book, Rhen had shared it with close family and friends, but had never considered publishing it. Only after many years of perspective and growth has he realized what an impact his family’s story might have on others who are going through similar trials. We couldn’t agree more, and we’re honored that he’s trusting Maven with such a sacred and personal story.
How Is This Different from Business Book Publishing?
The answer is: it’s not. It’s not different at all. The process of this project is nearly identical to the process we used with San Diego business owner Matthew Grisafe and his book, Our Code: AVPA’s Strong Commitment to Consistency and Service. Grisafe came to us with a book he’d written years prior but that needed an update to reflect changes in the company since its original release.
So, just like we did with Grisafe, we are meeting with Rhen regularly to comb through the book as it is today and identify areas that need editing and clarification. We are also creating a new outline for the book so we know what new chapters need to be written to reflect what has happened in the 15 years since he wrote the original manuscript, and we’re taking note to see whether or not certain chapters (or even individual paragraphs) should be rearranged.
Our process is always collaborative, so this book is no different. While we may be experts on writing and publishing, Rhen is the expert on his story. We need his input and participation in order to make sure the story stays authentic to the way he wants to tell it, and he needs our help with all of the technical aspects of book creation (editing, layout, cover design, etc.). After all, just like the many San Diego business owners we’ve worked with, he’s busy being a pastor. He doesn’t need to be worrying about the intricacies of grammar rules or learning how to use publishing software. We’ve got him covered.
Help at Any Stage of the Process
If you’re a busy professional, whether you’re a business owner, a pastor, a teacher, a public speaker—the nature of your profession doesn’t matter—you probably have a book in you. We’d love to help you get it on paper and get it out into the world.
Maybe you only have a vague idea of the book you want to write. That’s great! Contact us, and we’ll help you refine that idea until it’s ready. Then we’ll help you with whatever you need: outlining, writing, editing, layout, cover design—we can do it all.
Then again, maybe you’re more like Rhen or Grisafe and you’ve already written a book from start to finish. Maybe you wrote it years ago and it needs an update. Or maybe it’s ready to go but you’re not sure what the next step is in order to get it published. Contact us today so we can help you with that next step!