Have you ever wanted to make a difference but weren’t sure how? Investing in your community is a great way to do this, while still often earning a return on your investment. You can do this in many ways and often it will depend on the needs of your area. It can mean creating a community garden, investing in local business bonds, or making monetary contributions to local shelters or organizations.
What is Community Investing?
Essentially, investing in your community is a way to improve your local area while earning a return in the process. This can look different for everyone. The difference between investing in something such as the stock market and investing in your community lies in what you choose to invest in. Rather than contributing to a stock or bond, you contribute something to a local organization to improve the area you live or work in.
Ways You Can Invest in Your Community
There are many ways to get involved in your community. One such way is by creating a community garden. Not only will others benefit from food provided there, you will also be able to get to know the community better. You can also set up walking audits and invite neighbors as well as a local government official to assist you. The goal of a walking audit is to make sure the local area is a safe and comfortable place for every age and ability level.
Another way to invest in your community is by purchasing real estate in lower income neighborhoods to support those who need it most. There are many benefits to providing low income housing, particularly the tax credit you can receive each year. There is also no end to the amount of monetary contributions you can make to local businesses, projects, or organizations.
Why Invest in Your Community?
Those who choose to make their community a better place to be will benefit greatly. The better the community, the more people want to visit, bringing in more business and building up small shops and businesses. More people also begin moving to the area, which increases supply and demand and thus increases the value of homes, properties, and businesses.
There are many ways you can help your community thrive, sometimes it just takes thinking outside the box. Going out and talking with others about local issues can give you a better idea of where the need is greatest. Take a look at this infographic on investing your earnings into the community to get a better idea of how you can make a difference.