Inventors tend to be problem solvers by nature. They see a problem or a pain point and create a product that addresses it. Often, the problems become apparent based on their own life experiences. This was the case for Matt and Kristie Grisafe, inventors of the Purrfect Serving canned cat food cutter.
Matt and Kristie are cat owners. They love their cats and treat them like family, and they feed them moist cat food to help their cats maintain a healthy weight. They know the importance of portion control, so they work hard to give their feline friends the same amount of moist cat food at every mealtime. For years, they’ve been searching for a tool that would help them evenly divide up a can of cat food, but have never been able to find one. They searched online and asked about it in pet supply stores, but they never found exactly what they were looking for.
Matt and Kristie knew they couldn’t be the only ones looking for such a tool, so they decided to invent one. They spent many months designing the tool and working with manufacturers to get it produced. They had a website built and started putting together an interest list. The product was recently made available to the public, and Matt and Kristie began taking online orders through their new website.
They also began promoting their product on social media. People were loving the Purrfect Serving canned cat food cutter! They were pressing the “Like” button and sharing it with their friends. They were clicking through to the website and learning more about the new product. But there were also a few people who thought it was their duty to make negative comments. They posted comments like “Or I could just use a knife like I always have to divide up my cat’s food.”
There will always be naysayers when you do something new—those with the attitude of “What’s wrong with the way it’s always been done?” And with social media, it’s easier than ever for them to voice their opinions. If you believe in your product, you can’t worry about a few negative posts. You just need to press forward. And that’s exactly what Matt and Kristie are doing.
As they say on their website:
…we’re not curing cancer or solving world peace here—but [our product] does help provide a solution to an everyday problem that I think almost all cat owners face.”
They’re even thinking about the next products they want to produce as part of the Purrfect Serving brand.
You can find out more about Purrfect Serving’s canned cat food cutter and stay up to date on their latest product offerings through their company’s website or on their Facebook page.