The major shift to working habits at the start of 2020 has allowed many individuals to take another look at their work life balance and make adjustments accordingly as working from home has enabled more flexibility and some precious free time too – this has certainly been seen in the numbers too, regular viewers for online streaming platforms have skyrocketed over the past couple of years and other online alternatives like games of chance at and many others are reported numbers that show no signs of slowing down too as changing demographics lend the biggest hand to these markets – but something that may be surprising during this same period of time are those exploring options with a “side hustle.”

It does seem quite strange that the knee-jerk reaction to working from for many would be simply picking up a second job, but the numbers are certainly there – whether this be just a part time position whilst continuing to work from home, a solo project through different online platforms, or an entire second full time job to work hand in hand and take advantage of the more relaxed schedule that can often be found at home. Many of the respondents would also answer that the second job, or the side hustle was more of a passion-based position – whether it would be lower pay or fewer benefits, many preferred their side hustle over their main job.
What about the additional income? There’s no surprises there either – the majority of responders stated that the additional money earned from the side hustle would primarily go toward disposable income for spending whilst using their main job to pay for the day-to-day regular living expenses, a smaller margin responded that the regular living expenses were the primary reason for the side hustle, and a sizeable number responded that the money from this second job would go directly into savings instead. Suggestions are that this is something that’s only growing in regularity particularly amongst younger workers, looking to fill the regular downtime at work with something more productive and ultimately ending in a bigger payday at the end of the month too – whether or not it’s sustainable is something yet to be seen, but it’s something certainly very much in demand and something that has had a lot of success too.
The biggest challenge to the change to those have explored options have been finding ways to grow, with the average person committing very much what would be considered part-time to a side hustle, but if time is at less of a premium now the commute is gone and regular working duties can be handled in faster fashion, then why not explore what options are available?