Can you imagine what life would be like if, every day when you woke up, you knew it was going to be a great day? Maybe not a day that changed your life in huge, amazing ways, but a day that came with more smiles than frowns, with more laughs than tears.
For some, this feels like nothing more than a pipe dream. An “unattainable or fanciful hope or scheme.” Yet, living a life where each day is brimming with hope, optimism, and excitement about what lies ahead is possible.
And it begins with creating morning rituals that almost guarantee that your day will be the best it can possibly be. Here are a few rituals to consider.
Read Something Inspirational
Have you ever heard someone’s story and thought, “Wow, that inspires me to want to live a better life”? Maybe they overcame a massive illness or injury, or perhaps they fought drugs or alcohol and eventually achieved sobriety.
Just like those stories give you a little push to make more positive life choices, you can give yourself this push too—this drive to be the best version of yourself possible—by starting your day reading something inspirational.
It could be something as simple as an email you receive every day from your favorite inspirational leader or an article you saw on social media and saved until you had more time to actually sit down and read it.
You could also get yourself a book full of short stories designed to inspire and uplift. The Moth has a few compilations that serve as great reminders that amazing things happen all of the time, and in all areas of the world.
Listen to a Motivating Podcast
Another way to almost guarantee that your day will be great is to start it with a podcast that reinforces just how strong, resilient, and powerful you really are.
This option is great for people who tend to get out of bed and instantly start doing things, such as making kids’ lunches or going out for a run, or those who aren’t what we call “morning people.” Essentially, by combining the two activities, you’re starting your day on a positive note without having to get up any earlier than you already do.
The type of podcast capable of providing this type of motivation will vary from person to person. For instance, if you want to listen to someone who will constantly remind you that all of your hard work will help you pay off your debt and have a comfortable retirement, you may find that The Dave Ramsey Show is a good way to start your day. Alternatively, if you want a podcast with more focus on health and happiness, Tony Robbins may be a better choice
List Your Blessings
It’s often said that you can’t be grateful and unhappy at the same time. Therefore, if this is true, one way to increase your odds that the hours ahead will be filled with more contentment and happiness is to begin each morning listing your blessings.
What are you thankful for in your life? Your spouse who is always there when you need? Your kids who, despite their little tantrums every now and again, melt your heart when they tell you they love you? Or maybe you feel gratitude for your health or your job?
Try to come up with at least three things you are thankful for each morning and write them down. Next to each one, also write why it is you have gratitude for them.
Admittedly, if you’ve had a few bad days lately, this particular morning ritual may feel difficult, if not impossible. If this is where you’re at right now, ask yourself, “If I woke up tomorrow and was in a place I’d never been, surrounded by people I didn’t know, what would I miss most?”
Your answers to this question are the things you’re thankful for. They’re also the things that will help you have a better today, as well as a better tomorrow.